Thermography in the identification of pathologies in ancient building wood

Termografia na identificação de patologias em madeira de edifícios antigos



Thermography, Historic wood, Xylophagous organisms, Heritage conservation, Non-destructive testing


The present study aims to investigate the degradation of wood in historic buildings through the application of thermography, a non-destructive technique. In order to comprehend the potential of this approach, representative samples of different wood species were selected, exhibiting fissures, holes, and other damages caused by xylophagous organisms. The experimental process involved subjecting the wood samples to controlled thermal stimulation, reaching a temperature of 150°C. Using a high-resolution thermal camera (FLIR T460), images were captured that highlighted temperature variations on the wood surfaces. The meticulous analysis of these images allowed for the precise and detailed identification of fissures, holes, and areas affected by xylophagous organisms, providing valuable insights into the state of degradation. The obtained results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of thermography as a tool for the identification and characterization of pathologies in wood from ancient buildings. The ability to non-invasively visualize thermal variations on wood surfaces offers a highly sensitive approach for detecting problematic areas. Furthermore, the utilization of this technique can contribute to more accurate diagnoses and informed decisions regarding preservation and restoration interventions.


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Biografia do Autor

Cézar Figueredo, Centro de ensino Paula Souza

Mestrado no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ambiente Construído e Patrimônio Sustentável. Arquiteto, designer e pesquisador. Trabalha com design circular, ecodesign e fabricação digital Diretor criativo da Ventina Design. Fundador e arquiteto da Desembola Decoração Online. Professor Centro Universitário de Formiga – UNIFOR-MG. Professor Assistente.

Cynara Bremer, Escola de Arquitetura, UFMG

Professora Associada na Escola de Arquitetura e Design da UFMG. Pós Doutora pela Universidad de Granada, Espanha. Pós Doutora pela Universität des Saarlandes, Alemanha. Atua no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ambiente Construído e Patrimônio Sustentável da Escola de Arquitetura da UFMG.

Judy Mantilla

Professora Associada na Escola de Engenharia da UFMG (Aposentada). Professora Assistente da Universidade FUMEC até 2017. Doutora em Geotecnia pela USP de São Carlos


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