Descartes between doubt and truth: the contributions of the Cartesian method to the construction of modern science

Descartes entre a dúvida e a verdade: as contribuições do método Cartesiano para a construção da ciência moderna


  • Beatriz da Silva Lima Moreira
  • Caciana Costa Feitosa
  • Albérico Nogueira de Queiroz
  • Marcio Eric Figueira dos Santos
  • Gregório Guirada Faccioli
  • José Sérgio Filgueiras Costa
  • Ruana Michela Santos Cardoso


The result of the Logic and Criticism of ScientificInvestigation course in the Graduate Program in Developmentand the Environment (PRODEMA) at the Federal Universityof Sergipe, this study, descriptive and explanatory in nature, with a qualitative approach and using primary and secondarydata obtained from bibliographic and documentary research, aims to analyze the importance of the contributions of theCartesian Method to modern science, focusing on the work ofRené Descartes. With essential contributions to the progressof human knowledge that influenced later generations ofphilosophy, he introduced dualism (dividing reality into mind and body), created the Cartesian coordinate system and was a proponent of this scientific system based on mathematicalmodels and rationality, breaking with the Aristotelianapproach prevalent in medieval times and focusing on clarity, distinction, analysis, order and enumeration as the rules ofthis method. It is hoped that this work will help researchbased on this method and broaden discussions on thespecificities and importance of Cartesianism for modernscience and the consequent analysis of phenomena.    


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Caciana Costa Feitosa



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