Repercussions of home office on the mental health of teleworkers: integrative review

Repercussões do home office na saúde mental de teletrabalhadores: revisão integrativa




Scientific research demonstrates that productivity increased when workers began working from home, providing a better balance between work activities and personal life, as well as reducing organizational conflicts. Working from home often extends the workday beyond contracted hours, as workers are always available. The study aims to systematize, based on information available in the literature, articles published on the effects of remote work on workers' mental health. As a method, an integrative literature review was conducted, finding a total of 26 articles written between 2018 and 2023. It can be concluded that remote work is not just a change in the workplace, but a comprehensive transformation that requires attention both in the organizational and family context and has been a phenomenon of significant impact on workers' lives, influencing working conditions, but also their family relationships and mental health. Although it offers advantages such as reducing commute-related stress and more family interaction, it presents significant challenges, including social isolation, conflicts between personal and professional life, and adaptation difficulties.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Rodrigues, E. F. ., & Lemos, M. F. . (2024). Repercussions of home office on the mental health of teleworkers: integrative review: Repercussões do home office na saúde mental de teletrabalhadores: revisão integrativa. Concilium, 24(12), 144–165.


