Effects of Bach flower on acute pain, inflammation, and psychological disorders in mice

Efeitos do floral de Bach na dor aguda, inflamação e distúrbios psicológicos em camundongos





Bach flower; Pain; Inflammation; Depression; Anxiety.


Edward Bach was responsible for the development of flower therapy, later named Bach Flowers. This therapy is considered natural and complementary used in the treatment of various pathologies, especially psychological. The present work aimed to analyze the effectiveness of flower therapy in inflammatory, painful and behavioral processes. The animals used in the study were divided into groups: naive, which corresponds to the group of animals that were not subjected to any procedure, medications (dexamethasone, morphine, fluoxetine and buspirone), vehicle and Bach flower solution (RescueRemedy) administered for 20 consecutive days by gavage. Statistical analyzes were performed using the program (GraphPadPrism). It was concluded that flower therapy has its benefits in some situations and in others conventional therapy is the best option. However, together they can increase the benefit to the patient since the emotional symptom is highly linked to diseases with painful and inflammatory processes.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Zibell, N. P. ., Valente, C. ., Cerutti, M. L. ., & Machado, I. D. . (2024). Effects of Bach flower on acute pain, inflammation, and psychological disorders in mice: Efeitos do floral de Bach na dor aguda, inflamação e distúrbios psicológicos em camundongos. Concilium, 24(12), 166–180. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-3621-24M12


