The use of technologies and the level of satisfaction of fifth-year elementary school students
O uso das tecnologias e o nível de satisfação de alunos do quinto ano do ensino fundamental
Students; Technology; Reading; Writing; Satisfaction.Resumo
This article aims to interpret the level of student of Elementary Education satisfaction in relation to the use of technology in reading and writing activities. To this end, closed questionnaires were administered to students, containing questions about the use of technology, addressing satisfaction with resources for carrying out school activities and their impact on learning. We assume that the students involved in the research are part of the so-called alpha generation, born since 2010, which demonstrates greater ability to use technological devices, since they were exposed to them from a very early age, generally in early childhood. To analyze the responses, quantitative data were processed using statistical jamovi software, using the Likert scale. From the results of the analysis, we can infer the need for schools and teachers to adapt to a new reality, where the use of technology becomes increasingly prevalent.
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