Guidance booklet on violence against the elderly as an educational Tecnology: experience report
Cartilha de orientação sobre violência ao idoso como tecnologia educacional: relato de experiência
Educational technology, Nursing, ElderlyResumo
With the understanding that the issue of violence against elderly people, the relevance of implementing strategies to mitigate the damage suffered by elderly people who are victims of violence is evident. The objective of this article is to describe as an experience report the construction of the guidance booklet on violence against the elderly as an educational technology. This is an experience report work, with a qualitative, descriptive approach developed through the Center for Adult and Elderly Health Studies in Educational Technologies (NESAIted), which seeks to develop educational technologies through research that aims to facilitate the understanding common themes in everyday life, which are often neglected. This article is based on the following discussions: understanding the construction of the booklet as an educational technology and the information booklet as an educational technology on violence against the elderly. Furthermore, in an increasingly “digital” panorama, the notification of reports of violence against the elderly available for planning and directing effective actions is much more than having access to information and sharing knowledge. The informative booklet on screen in this article highlights the importance of society's action in situations with a potential risk of violence against the elderly with a view to preventing it.
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