Spatio-temporal analysis of the red ring pathosystem in Oil palm in the Eastern Amazon
Análise espaço-temporal do patossistema do anel vermelho em Palma-de-óleo na Amazônia Oriental
space dependence, Elaeis guineenses, kriging, Bursaphelenchus cocophilusResumo
The objective was to evaluate the spatial and temporal distribution of the Red Ring and R. Palmarum in conventional oil palm plantation in the municipality of Thailand, state of Pará, in the production area of the AGROPAR Farm, belonging to the AGROPALMA SA Company, through of data obtained monthly from a Historical series from 2014 to 2018, using Geostatistics as a tool. To evaluate the dispersion of the Red Ring and R. Palmarum, sequential sampling was used. In this way, semivariograms were generated and the theoretical models were tested: Spherical, Gaussian, exponential and linear (pure nugget effect). The obtained semivariograms were submitted to the Krigagem estimator to make the dispersion maps of the Patosystem. Through the semivariograms it was observed that the model that best fit the spatial distribution of the red ring was the Gaussian, with range values for the experimental area ranging from 690 m to 870 m. As for the distribution of R. Palmarum, the models that best fit were the spherical and exponential, with values ranging from 860 m to 4990 m and that the R. palmarum infestation is preferably located on the periphery of the courts.
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