Development and characterization of pound cake with Inajá pulp

Desenvolvimento e caracterização do bolo tipo pound cake com polpa de Inajá



The objective of this study was to enrich pound cake with inajá fruit pulp and assess its impact on nutritional composition. Results showed a decrease in carbohydrates (from 29.91% to 27.01%) and an increase in proteins (from 9.5% to 10.5%) in the modified cake. Lipid content slightly increased (from 32.2% to 33%), while fiber content decreased significantly. Microbiological analyses met established standards. Additionally, sensory evaluation indicated favorable acceptance of the modified cake. In conclusion, inajá-enriched cake offers a modified nutritional composition, potentially appealing to specific consumer groups, but attention is required to maximize nutritional benefits and sensory attributes.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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