The use of soroban as a significant learning tool in basic operations in a mathematical connection

O uso do soroban como ferramenta de aprendizagem significativa nas operações básicas em uma conexão matemática



Soroban;, Teaching;, Mathematics;, Meaningful Learning;


Research into tools and mechanisms that facilitate the process of teaching and learning mathematics is an inexhaustible topic of study, since understanding operations is the basic foundation of students' educational development in the exact sciences. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which the use of the Soroban as a teaching mechanism facilitates the method of building students' knowledge within a mathematical connection, with the aim of fostering meaningful learning. The methodology used was qualitative research, due to its concern with analyzing ideosyncratic aspects such as values, attitudes and understandings related to learning practices and how this method can be adapted to different realities and logistical challenges, in order to guarantee significant and functional results for the learning process. The literary research went through the analysis of media documents, articles, theses, dissertations and publications related to the topic, seeking new understandings and knowledge to be added to the methodological tools associated and structured with the purpose of corroborating and increasing the body of existing research. The results show that the success of meaningful learning depends largely on the teacher being able to provide new mechanisms for students to carry out activities that activate cognitive development and favor the acquisition of knowledge in a mathematical connection. 


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Sidney Oliveira, Seduc-AM

Doutorando em Ensino da Ciências Exatas, mestre me engenharia e licenciatura em matemática

Ananélia Queiroz

Mestre em Enganharia, graduação em Administração, professora universitária

Quelita Rodrigues, Seduc-AM

Professora de ensino fundamental e médio, Licenciatura em Biologia


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