Monitoring the fermentation process and physico-chemical analysis of Cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum).
Acompanhamento do processo fermentativo e análises fisíco-químicas de Cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum)
In the Amazon region, it is observed that the transformation processes of vegetable raw materials, carried out in local agroindustrial plants, generate a large amount of waste rich in substances with potential for reuse in other processes. In this sense, agro-industries can supply a large amount of biomass to obtain bioproducts of commercial interest. Furthermore, for the use of the main agro-industrial residues generated from the processing of cupuaçu, the fermentative and physical-chemical properties of Cupuaçu will be analyzed with the aim of evaluating the potential for using cupuaçu seeds, coming from an Amazonian agro-industry, thus aiming to, the production of raw materials with possible applications in the industrial, food and cosmetic sectors.
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