The impact of palliative care and parental involvement on the emotional health of children with cancer: an integrative review

O impacto do cuidado paliativo e o envolvimento dos pais na saúde emocional da criança oncológica: uma revisão integrativa


  • Larissa Parreira Araújo Universidade de Marília
  • Beatriz Aranha Rudsit Universidade de Marília
  • Ana Raquel de Almeida Goto Universidade de Marília
  • Danielli Pedroso Vichoski Universidade de Marília
  • João Gabriel Soares Piveta Universidade de Marília
  • Paula Cristina Cola Universidade de Marília
  • Cristóvam Emílio Herculiani Universidade de Marília



The objective of this study was to carry out an integrative review to analyze the impact of palliative care and parental involvement on the emotional health of children with cancer. For the search, the PubMed database was considered, with the following descriptors: “Mental health; Palliative care; Health; Oncology". Articles using only the English language were included, with individuals aged between 0 and 18 years old, with publication data from 2019 to 2023. After the research carried out, 5 articles were selected, in which it was identified that children undergoing Palliative care presents increased fear, pain relief and fewer depressive symptoms. In addition, research shows that parents have an important role in alleviating the negative impacts of cancer treatment on children. Parents are adept at palliative care, due to some factors, such as: lack of recognition, accessibility and understanding of how palliative care works. Therefore, it is concluded that the impacts of exposure to palliative care and parental involvement are beneficial to the emotional health of the patient. oncological child.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Parreira Araújo, L., Aranha Rudsit, B. ., de Almeida Goto, A. R., Pedroso Vichoski, D. ., Soares Piveta, J. G. ., Cristina Cola, P., & Emílio Herculiani, C. (2024). The impact of palliative care and parental involvement on the emotional health of children with cancer: an integrative review: O impacto do cuidado paliativo e o envolvimento dos pais na saúde emocional da criança oncológica: uma revisão integrativa . Concilium, 24(9), 515–525.


