Hematologic response to hypotensive anesthesia during orthognathic surgery

Resposta hematológica à anestesia hipotensiva durante cirurgia ortognática





Orthognathic Surgery, Controlled Hypotension, General anesthetics


Orthognathic surgery is a routine procedure with a high potential to cause hemorrhagic complications. Usually, hypotension protocols are used to stabilize and control bleeding and provide adequate surgical site visualization. The literature presents several protocols and a vast number of modifications of those, however, reports on systemic alterations due to hypotension protocols in orthognathic surgery are still scarce. In this report, the evaluation of laboratory parameters of 50 patients who underwent orthognathic surgeries was recorded before and after the surgical procedure, allowing comparison of those to normal values. While most parameters remained normal, renal clearance presented higher values, which suggests prolonged hypotension may lead to light negative effects on renal function.


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Como Citar

Monnazzi, M. S., Santos, M. P. da M. ., Gabrielli, M. A. C., Tsuha, G. F., Ribeiro Neto, C. A., & Carlos, E. (2024). Hematologic response to hypotensive anesthesia during orthognathic surgery: Resposta hematológica à anestesia hipotensiva durante cirurgia ortognática. Concilium, 24(9), 490–501. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-3409-24I27


