Cellular profile of the skin and ocular surface in healthy shih-tzu dogs

Perfil citológico da pele e superfície ocular de cães da raça shih-tzu saudáveis





Canids, Cytopathology, Dermatology, Morphology, Ocular health


Cytology involves analyzing individual cells and is crucial for diagnosing skin and ocular surface diseases. The skin acts as a barrier against various threats and communicates with the immune system via receptors. The conjunctiva also provides protection to the eyes. This study aimed to describe the cytological profiles of healthy Shih-Tzu dogs' skin and ocular surfaces, assessing how age impacts these profiles. Materials for cytological analysis were collected using a nylon microbrush and evaluated with the Schirmer test. Results showed lymphocytes were predominant in ocular cytology (RE - 47%, LE - 41.93%), while polymorphonuclear cells dominated in nasal fold (62%) and palmar pad cytologies (100%). Superficial cells were prevalent in all regions (RE 83.11%, LE 90.52%, palmar pads 100%, nasal fold 96.91%). Malassezia spp was detected in all areas. This research underscores the cellular variations across different anatomical sites and provides insights into normal cytological patterns in these dogs.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Bernardi Manzano, M., Ripozatti Terra, Y., Guimarães Santos, M., Carvalho Fernando, L., Costa Venturini, G., Linhares Sampaio, R., & Supranzetti de Rezende, R. (2024). Cellular profile of the skin and ocular surface in healthy shih-tzu dogs: Perfil citológico da pele e superfície ocular de cães da raça shih-tzu saudáveis. Concilium, 24(9), 253–267. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-3379-24I07


