Hormone replacement therapy and the incidence and prevalence of breast cancer: an integrative review

Terapia de reposição hormonal e a incidência e prevalência de câncer de mama: uma revisão integrativa





Breast neoplasms, Menopause, Hormone replacement therapy


The objective of this study was to carry out an integrative review an integrative review to analyze the incidence and prevalence of breast cancer after hormone replacement therapy. This integrative review followed several steps, including identifying the topic, structuring the research question using the PICO strategy, defining inclusion criteria, selecting articles, evaluating and analyzing selected studies, interpreting the results and presenting the review. The use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is linked to a significantly increased risk of breast cancer, especially with combination therapy. The risk increases with time of use and persists after discontinuation. Although some studies have found a significant risk, estrogen-only therapy carries a lower risk, particularly for long-term use. Hormone replacement therapy, especially the combined formulation of estrogen and progestogen, is associated with a significant increase in the risk of breast cancer, persisting after discontinuation. The estrogen-only formulation has a lower risk. The duration of HRT and body mass index (BMI) also influence the risk.


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Como Citar

Feitosa, A., Chambó, L. ., Silva , M. ., Tasso, M., Abib, M. F. ., Masi, P. ., Teruel , S. ., Oliveira , V., Chagas, E. ., & Doca, H. . (2024). Hormone replacement therapy and the incidence and prevalence of breast cancer: an integrative review: Terapia de reposição hormonal e a incidência e prevalência de câncer de mama: uma revisão integrativa. Concilium, 24(9), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-3342-24H50


