Neuroergonomics approach in the workplace aiming to standardize movements and increase workers' sense of well-being

Neuroergonomics approach in the workplace aiming to standardize movements and increase workers' sense of well-being



This research focused on the neuroergonomic interactions and investigated the need to standardize activities and program workforce movements to avoid wasting caused by blind or unprogrammed movements. The methodology adopted included related publications and the neuroergonomics bench construction. As a result, a leaner manufacturing process was observed. The assembly process before the intervention was contaminated with excessive movements, waste during assembly and complaints of physical-mental efforts by workers. It is concluded that, after implementing a bench with neuroergonomic principles at the workstation, there was a reduction in assembly and movement time. A implementation of homoscedastic process made easier to control the risks inherent to the production rhythm. Intangibly, it improved workers' perception of well-being. Tangibly, the time to produce the sets was reduced up to 36 minutes daily per production shift.


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