Reproductive health in women with serious mental disorder
Reproductive health, Female psychotic/psychiatric patient, Maternal characteristics, Serious mental disorder, Family planningResumo
The objective of this work was to investigate the reproductive health profile of 106 women admitted to a Psychosocial Support Center (CAPS), in Aracaju, Brazil, and to assess the need for targeted family planning (FP). Methods: They were divided into two groups based on their diagnosis (schizophrenia and mood disorders). The data were obtained from medical records and applying a reproductive health questionnaire. Results: In the group of patients with schizophrenia: 26.4% were single, 33% had an active sex life, 13.2% used contraceptive methods and 35.5% used it incorrectly. In the group of patients with mood disorder: 23.6% were single, 32.1% had an active sex life, 16.0% used contraceptive methods and 41.9% used it incorrectly. 75.5% of them had children and none participated in an FP program. Those who had underage children and were unable to care for them corresponded to 41.5% in the group of patients with schizophrenia and 32.1% in the group of patients with mood disorder. Conclusion: The reproductive health profiles were similar despite different psychiatric diagnoses. This suggests that if there was only one effective FP action plan, it would reach this entire population and reduce the damage of neglect.
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