Leisure-time physical activity and cognitive function in the elderly community: population census
Atividade física no lazer e função cognitiva de idosos da comunidade: censo populacional
Censuses, Population Dynamics, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior, Cognitive DysfunctionResumo
Adopting healthy habits, especially regular physical activity, is essential for healthy aging and cognitive health promotion. Objective: to describe the prevalence of leisure-time physical activity and its association with cognitive function in community-dwelling elderly. Methods: a cross-sectional, census-based study with individuals ≥ 60 years residing in Coxilha, Rio Grande do Sul in 2021. The level of physical activity, mental state, and sociodemographic characteristics were analyzed. Qualitative variables were presented in univariate frequency distributions and bivariate analysis through the chi-square test and Fisher's Exact Test. Results: Of the 519 elderly evaluated, only 11.4% were classified as physically active in their leisure time, being more common in elderly without cognitive decline (p=0.027). The other investigated variables did not show a significant association with the outcome (p>0.05). Conclusion: The prevalence of physically active elderly in leisure time is low, being more prevalent among those without cognitive decline.
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