Is the sorghum silage nutritive value influenced by the species intercropped?

O valor nutritivo da silagem de sorgo é influenciado pelas espécies em consórcio?




Consortium is becoming a sustainable alternative for producing silage as dry season livestock feed. However, the mix of different species can alter the silage quality. So, this work objective was to evaluate the nutritive value of silage produced by sorghum monocropped, sorghum intercropped with a tropical grass, sorghum intercropped with a leguminous and sorghum intercropped with a tropical grass and a leguminous. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design, with four replications. The treatments were: monocropped sorghum silage and sorghum silage intercropped with dwarf pigeon pea, palisade grass, palisade grass and dwarf pigeon pea, guinea grass, and guinea grass and dwarf pigeon pea. The bromatological quality of silage were determined. Palisade grass enhances the silage values of in vitro dry matter digestibility and total digestible nutrients. Guinea grass increases the silage crude protein content of both silages.


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Como Citar

Pascoaloto, I. M., Cruz, S. S. da ., Lima, G. C. de ., Modesto, V. C. ., Soares, D. de A., Silva, A. C. de S. e ., & Andreotti, M. (2024). Is the sorghum silage nutritive value influenced by the species intercropped? O valor nutritivo da silagem de sorgo é influenciado pelas espécies em consórcio?. Concilium, 24(7), 1–20.


