Challenges of school management in times of pandemic and post-pandemic

Desafios da gestão escolar em tempos de pandemia e pós-pandemia



This study aims to reflect on the importance school management's role during the pandemic, when social distancing has been inevitable due to the coronavirus. The specific objectives are: to discuss strategies that enable students to take an interest in remote teaching; to encourage teachers to remain vibrant in their teaching; to understand the challenges of school management in view of the Covid-19 pandemic and the post-pandemic. Considering the pandemic are and the reinvention of the way of doing school management, new challenges have arisen, in terms of emotional support for the entire school community, and support for teachers' pedagogical practice. Based on this assumption, it is worth asking: how will school management work and propose new strategies to keep teachers and students motivated in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic?  Thus, with this study we aim to contribute information to teachers, school stakeholders, as well as the school community, aiming at the great relevance of the work of school management in keeping students and teachers always healthy, active, motivated in order to preserve the quality of education.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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