Scientific dissemination and social networks: a look at the use of Instagram in scientific divulgation

Divulgação Científica e redes sociais: um olhar sobre o uso do Instagram na divulgação científica


  • Mariana de Sousa Santos Hempel Instituto de Estudos do Mar Amirante Paulo Moreira/Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Leonardo Zambotti-Villea Universidade de São Paulo
  • Ricardo Coutinho Instituto de Estudos do Mar Amirante Paulo Moreira/Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Pio Colepicolo Neto Instituto de Estudos do Mar Amirante Paulo Moreira /Universidade Federal Fluminense



Internet use, Algae, Brazil, social networks, Digital technology


Social networks allied to technology made access to information faster but did not predict the legitimacy of this information. Scientific divulgation in social networks emerges to present the scientific method in didactic way with simple language, without jargon, especially in a pandemic era, of search for results and scientific understanding. According with this, the page “algas para que te quero” was created on Instagram, about the work area in Marine Biotechnology, and the use of algae in this environment, to understand the impact, difficulties and reach of the theme to the public in general. Therefore, the present work brought positive results. After a year on the page, in the insights (a resource of the platform itself), a total of 3.140 views were reached, conquering 399 followers, with an average interaction of 57.9%. The data demonstrated that there was a significant participation and interaction of users with the content provided.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Hempel, M. de S. S. ., Zambotti-Villea, L., Coutinho, R., & Colepicolo Neto, P. (2024). Scientific dissemination and social networks: a look at the use of Instagram in scientific divulgation: Divulgação Científica e redes sociais: um olhar sobre o uso do Instagram na divulgação científica . Concilium, 24(9), 121–131.


