Technical and environmental assessment of tire powder injection as reducing fuel through blast furnace tuyeres
Avaliação técnica e ambiental da injeção de pó de pneu como combustível redutor através das ventaneiras dos altos-fornos
Pulverized coal injection; Pulverized tires; Tuyeres, Blast furnaces.Resumo
This paper shows the study of the utilization of tire as fuel to be employed into blast furnaces. This tire can substitute coal or even charcoal in the blast furnaces tuyeres. The injection into tuyeres, other than contribute for energy generation, can produce gas for metallic oxide reduction, the former charged into the blast furnace throat, thus contribution for using other forms of wastes. The tire, as powder, when to be injected into blast furnaces, contributes for an environmental employee of that waste, so as permit for obtaining a high value product. Then, one advantage of using such material is that it is waste and has lower cost for preparation. A comparative study of combustion index of pulverized tires and coals was studied. For this study are been utilized one physical model, with thermal gradient constructed at Escola de Minas-UFOP. The results obtained have showed that the tires have good combustibility, this was obtained in a model that simulate the same conditions occurring in the blast furnaces tuyeres; these results include tires and mixtures of tires with coal or even with charcoal.
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