Clinical outcomes of elderly submitted to cardiac surgery in a hospital in the Federal District and its relationship with nutritional status
Desfechos clínicos de idosos submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca em um hospital de referência do Distrito Federal e sua relação com o estado nutricional
Aged, Nutritional assessment, Nutritional status, Heart failureResumo
Introduction: Aging is a worldwide event, which leads to numerous systemic changes, with repercussions on the nutritional status and general health of the elderly. Objective: to correlate clinical outcomes with nutritional status determined by subjective and objective methods in elderly patients submitted to cardiac surgery. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study performed at the Federal District Cardiology Institute, from February to July 2018. The patients were evaluated in the pre- and postoperative phases with the subjective methods and objective. Results: the sample consisted of 84 (94.38%) patients. We observed a significant reduction (p<0,001) in weight, CB and PPF in the postoperative period when compared to preoperative cardiac surgery. There was no association of the outcome (discharge or death) with the nutritional risk determined by the NRS-2002 method. Patients who died had a longer CPB time. Conclusion: The was a lack of correlation between clinical outcomes and nutritional status. The high CPB time had a negative impact on the outcome of the elderly patients.
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