Valuation as a mechanism for environmental safeguard

Valoração como mecanismo de salvaguarda ambiental



Environmental and Ecological Economic Valuation, Conservation and Preservation Units, Environment


Environmental valuation, which consists of a set of methods to attribute value to an environmental good or service that does not yet have a market value, has been gaining space on researchers' agendas, with the aim of presenting a value that corresponds to the importance that the asset, good, or service represents to the community in which they are inserted. The objective of this research is to analyze how environmental valuation methods are used in conservation units in Brazil, differentiating between economic valuation and ecological valuation. The research is bibliographical and had as a search strategy for the selection of studies the databases Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Google Scholar, as they are databases that encompass the most articles in the valuation area for Brazilian works. The chosen years were between 2018 and 2022. The analysis included 38 works, with the majority being parks followed by river basins. The most recurring valuation model is the Environmental Economic.  


Não há dados estatísticos.


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