Physical-chemical composition of bean accesses Phaseolus vulgaris L. produced in the brazilian Semiarid
Composição físico-química em acessos de feijão Phaseolus vulgaris L. produzidos no Semiárido brasileiro
Proximate analysis, Nutritional potential, Uncertified seedsResumo
Beans are one of the most consumed and produced foods in Brazil, however, uncertified seeds and grains, that is, “creole” accessions, are neglected in the development of research that allows knowledge of their proximate composition and nutritional potential. The objective of this work was to evaluate and statistically compare the proximate composition of seeds when raw in three accessions of creole beans (black, white and big blue), produced in the Mesoregion of Borborema, state of Paraíba, Brazil, a region known as having great plant agrobiodiversity. The raw seeds were crushed, then evaluated for water content on a wet basis (w.b.), ash, protein, lipid and carbohydrate content. The results were subjected to analysis of variance, and the means were compared using the Tukey test (p<0.05). The accessions showed statistically significant differences between them in terms of proximate composition, however, the averages evaluated were compatible with those found for bean seeds in other trials.
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