Perspectives on research: an analysis of the textbook Ápis (3rd year of elementary school)
Perspectivas sobre a pesquisa: uma análise do livro didático Ápis (3º ano dos anos iniciais)
Decoloniality, Portuguese Language, TextbookResumo
This work aims to discursively analyze the use of the term “research” in Portuguese language textbooks from the first years of elementary school. Thus, as a corpus of analysis, we chose volume three of the collection for teaching Portuguese Language named Ápis, which was approved in the PNLD's 2019-2022. In addition to theoretically substantiating this work from authors of decolonial studies such as Mignolo (2020), Quijano (2007), among others, we are guided by Bakhtinian discourse studies to discuss the concept of language, as well as support the analysis of the material selected.
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