Automated and interactive selective collection system in the educational context of the early years of elementary education

Sistema de coleta seletiva automatizada e interativa no contexto educacional dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental



Selective collect, Environmental awareness, Learning, Arduino


Striving for a more sustainable future, selective waste collection is essential to minimize environmental impacts and promote societal awareness. This project aims to raise awareness among children in the early years of elementary school. It teaches them interactively about the importance of selective waste collection through the reinforcement and practice of sustainable actions in a playful manner. The automated trash bin, constructed using electronic components, is controlled through the Arduino platform with the assistance of sensors and actuators. Thus, when a child approaches the automated trash bin, a sound is emitted to indicate the type of material the bin receives. This solution aims to teach non-literate children how to perform selective waste collection in an interactive and playful manner, instructing them on the separation and disposal of waste using the trash bin. The final prototype underwent preliminary evaluation by 64 individuals through an online questionnaire comprising nine closed-ended questions. The results were positive regarding the effectiveness of this tool's proposal.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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