Evaluation of the osteomuscular system through ultrasound examination of employees at thetime of admission: a new management proposal in a public hospital
Avaliação do sistema osteomuscular através do exame de utrassonografia em funcionários no momento da admissão: uma nova proposta de gestão em um hospital público
The objectives of this research were: to identify the need to implement a service with assessment of the musculoskeletal system through ultrasound in employees of a public hospital at the time of admission; identify the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries and painful symptoms in hospital employees; verify the association between musculoskeletal injuries and sociodemographic variables; verify the association between painful musculoskeletal symptoms and sociodemographic variables. 70 employees within 6 months of hiring agreed to participate in the research. Musculoskeletal ultrasound examinations of the wrist, elbow and shoulder of the dominant or symptomatic limb were performed. Additionally, information was obtained regarding sociodemographic parameters. The prevalence of tendinopathies in the sample was 67.1%. Additionally, a prevalence of painful musculoskeletal symptoms was observed in the upper limbs of 40 professionals. An association has been demonstrated between musculoskeletal injuries and female sex, as well as having worked for more than 10 years. In the same vein, a statistically significant association was observed between painful musculoskeletal symptoms and being female, working as a nursing professional and having worked for more than 10 years. It is concluded that there is a high prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries and painful symptoms among public hospital employees, with the shoulder joint being the most affected. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that female sex and working time are associated with musculoskeletal injuries, as well as musculoskeletal pain symptoms. In view of the above, the need to implement services with assessment of the musculoskeletal system through ultrasound in public hospital employees at the time of admission is evident.
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