Cervical cancer and the SUS: Impact of the HPV vaccination campaign on cervical cancer treatment
O câncer de colo do útero e o SUS: Impacto da campanha de vacinação contra HPV no tratamento para o câncer cervical
Cervical cancer (or cervical cancer) has been among the top five causes of cancer mortality in women worldwide and HPV infection is considered a necessary condition for the development of more than 90% of cervical cancer cases. of the uterus. The SUS provides treatments for malignant neoplasia of the cervix and, since 2014, has also provided tetravalent vaccines (against HPVs 6, 11, 16, and 18) and bivalent vaccines (against HPVs 16 and 18), as well as medications to treat anogenital warts. and cervical injuries. The objective of this work was to analyze the impact of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine on the services offered by the SUS for the treatment of cervical cancer. It was possible to observe a statistically significant relationship between the doses of the female HPV vaccine applied and the variations in treatments performed and also in the recorded diagnoses of malignant neoplasia of the cervix.
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