Solutions for elderly people: an overview of technology developed

Soluções para pessoas idosas: um panorâma da tecnologia desenvolvida



Aging, Elderly, Old people, Disabilities, Patents


The aging of the world population is a challenge for governments and the market. There were, in 2021, 761 million people aged 65 or over; This number is expected to increase. This phenomenon is directly accompanied by a decrease in the organism's functional capacity, such as motor capacity. One way to increase the general quality of life of Old People with Motor Disabilities and help them regain some control and live independently is to offer products and services that solve their main problems. The objective of this study was to search for technologies (inventions and utility models) for this population that have been registered in recent years in Brazil but also in Europe and USA. The patent search was conducted on the electronic platforms of the patent offices in Brazil and Europe. 337 registers were found and 55 results met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results show an improvement in the number of registers in the last decade, however, this can be considered little if we look at the size of the population and its challenges.


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