Construction clash detection trajectory in recent years
Trajetória do clash detection na construção nos últimos anos
Construction, BIM, Clash-DetectionResumo
The offices in the architecture, engineering, and construction field have faced the challenge of optimizing and increasing productivity over the years. In this context, Building Information Modeling - BIM emerges as a technology that enables the integration of processes collaboratively, transforming previously analyzed 2D designs into three-dimensional models, providing better visualization, analysis, and coordination. This approach offers more effective solutions in parametric modeling issues. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic literature review on the use, implementation, and benefits of automated clash detection in the development and execution of projects, and subsequently discuss the advantages of its implementation and the challenges encountered. The methodology followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The results expanded the evidence of the positive impacts of BIM on construction projects, raising awareness among professionals in the architecture, engineering, and construction field about its practices.
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