Lontra longicaudis as an environmental bioindicator
A lontra longicaudis como bioindicador ambiental
Emergy, Transformity, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Restoration, Environmental MonitoringResumo
Some authors have identified the Lontra longicaudis as an indicator of environmental quality, either due to its presence or absence in aquatic environments, being associated with the availability of prey and water quality. In order to address the issue at hand, this study examines the utilization of calculating the distribution of the intensity of the species' presence, in conjunction with emergy calculations and energy transformation in biodiversity and ecological compartments of the Caconde UHE system, to monitor the well-being of ecosystems. The findings demonstrate a consistent pattern of interannual and monthly presence of the otter in relation to the system. Lontra longicaudis, as a bioindicator for monitoring environmental health, becomes even more efficient if it is integrated into the analysis of emergy and transformity, allowing the quantification of energetic convergence between ecosystem processes and products. The utilization of bioindicator species located at the top of the trophic chain, such as lontra neotropical, holds significant importance in establishing restoration strategies for ecosystems.
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