Factors associated with the sleep quality in older adults and the risk of functional loss and frailty
Fatores associados à qualidade do sono em idosos e ao risco de perda funcional e fragilidade
This study aims to analyze the associated factors with the sleep quality of older adults at risk of functional loss and frailty, during social isolation due to the COVID 19 pandemic. The study included 68 older adults at risk of functional loss and frailty, living in a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul-RS state, Brazil. The outcome variables were: risk of functional loss and frailty, assessed by PRISMA 7 and sleep quality assessed by a questionnaire included in Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Questionnaire. Data were analyzed with the support of descriptive statistics, absolute frequency distributions and measures of central and inferential tendency. The chi-square test was used to identify the association between the variables studied, (p ≤0.05). More than 40% of men and more than 50% of women had sleep quality disturbance. There was a statistically significant association (p = 0.041) between the presence of one comorbidity. and sleep quality, that is, there are more elderly people with associated comorbidities presenting sleep disorders (67.7%) compared to older people who have only on e comorbidity (32.3%). It is concluded that the presence of comorbidities is significantly associated with poor sleep quality.
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