Rise and development of women leaders: a study in a cooperative in Mato Grosso, MT, Brazil

Ascensão e desenvolvimento de mulheres líderes: um estudo em uma cooperativa em Mato Grosso, MT, Brasil



Women in management, Leadership development pratices, Cooperative


In the current scenario, women have the opportunity to assume positions of greater responsibility and technical demand. Despite the persistence of numerous obstacles and challenges, female leadership has a presence in organizations. This article investigates the specificities that drove the increase in women in leadership and practices aimed at their development in a cooperative in Mato Grosso, MT. A qualitative research method employed, using interviews and content analysis to elucidate the facts narratives provided by participants. The results indicate that female leadership stands out due to the virtue of acting democratically and with empathy. Furthermore, leadership development improves trust in the relationship between leader and subordinate through the use of 360-degree feedback, one of the practices used in the cooperative.


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Biografia do Autor

Francisco Antônio Pereira Fialho, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professor Associado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento - PPGEGC/UFSC


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