The contribution of the Accessibility Program: include for the insertion of people with disabilities in higher education
A contribuição do Programa de Acessibilidade: incluir para a inserção de pessoas com deficiência na educação superior
This article aims to highlight the contribution of the Higher Education Accessibility Program – Include Program, which is conceived as an expression of accessibility policies for people with disabilities in the academic environment. The methodology was carried out through documentary research – analysis of notices and bibliography – on the portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), covering the period from 2001 to 2022. It was understood from the documentary analysis that two actions stand out and strengthen the insertion of these people: architectural adaptation and implementation and/or strengthening of accessibility centers. From the bibliographical research, it was learned that inclusion actions are strengthened in the academic environment with the significant performance of Accessibility Centers, which mediate the relationship between academics with disabilities and the scientific community. This mediation takes place through guidance regarding the need to change traditional methodology, issues of pedagogical accessibility, different methodologies, among others. Therefore, it is urgent that the entire academic community becomes aware of its inclusive role in Society.
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