Challenges of (dis)information in Brazilian democracy: fake News and the electoral process
Desafios da (des)informação na democracia brasileira: fake news e o processo eleitoral
This work dealt with the topic of fake news within the Brazilian electoral process. The research problem aims to answer the question: “How does the growth of fake news disrupt the electoral system in Brazil?”. The hypothetical-deductive method was adopted as a research methodology and, as a research procedure, the bibliographic and documentary method. The general objective of the work is to understand, in a systemic way, how contemporary political communication presents itself, especially in Brazil, as a way of bringing concrete elements so that the State and civil society can provide new citizen education for the phenomenon without there being a reduction in pluralism. The specific objectives were: to analyze new technologies and democracy in the country; understand the evolution of fundamental rights, especially freedom of expression as opposed to disinformation; identify how fake news changes the electoral process. It is concluded that the matter is necessary to be legally regulated with stricter procedural and procedural criteria and with the adoption of measures that ensure that voters do not have their freedom to vote induced by misinformation.
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