Health professionals' knowledge of viral hepatitis and diagnostic criteria in clinical practice
Conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde sobre as hepatites virais e os critérios diagnósticos da prática clínica
Human Viral Hepatitis, Health Services, Clinical DiagnosisResumo
The clinical course of viral hepatitis B and C is asymptomatic and self-limiting, and knowledge of serological interpretation is used to determine the course of the infection. Biases in serological knowledge can interfere with the results, leading to false-positive diagnoses. The aim of this study was to analyze health professionals' knowledge of viral hepatitis and the diagnostic criteria used in clinical practice. It is an exploratory, quantitative, cross-sectional study carried out with 76 professionals in Primary Health Care and a reference Testing and Counseling Center in the city of Manaus, using an adapted knowledge assessment instrument. Chi-square and Fisher's exact comparison tests were carried out using R v. 4.2 and RStudio software, with the tidyverse and gtsummary packages. The study revealed that (62%) were nurses and 29 (38%) doctors, 66% reported never having undertaken any type of training or course on the subject of hepatitis and had moderate knowledge of the diagnostic criteria for viral hepatitis B and C. Although the medical profession has a higher level of knowledge on the subject. Lack of information can result in late diagnosis and interrupted treatment. Health education therefore plays a key role in the care and diagnosis of people with the virus.
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