Design, construction and validation of a didactic bench prototype for teaching sustainable energy in engineering courses at UEMG
Projeto, construção e validação de protótipo de bancada didática para ensino de energia sustentável nos cursos de engenharias da UEMG
The significant growth in global energy demand has introduced significant pressure on energy consumption via fossil energy sources, with recognized environmental consequences. In this context, renewable energy such as solar energy emerges as an inevitable energy alternative. This work consists of the development, construction and validation of a prototype of a teaching bench consisting of a photovoltaic module that converts solar energy directly into electrical energy, a charge regulator that protects the battery against overloads and deep discharges, a battery that stores the energy produced during periods of greater solar radiation and an inverter, which converts the energy produced in direct current into alternating current. The bench have a set of lamps and a variable resistance, so that various system loads can be simulated. The teaching bank developed will allow engineering students at the State University of Minas Gerais (UEMG) to study and understand the characteristics of an autonomous photovoltaic installation, with practical examples on energy generation and storage. The basic storage system will allow the student to understand the concepts of cargo storage and its reuse without wasting energy. Furthermore, a manual was written and validated with a collection of experimental activity scripts to support work during the use of the bench in practical Physics laboratory classes in engineering courses at UEMG.
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