Science teaching: from the classroom to the science fair

O ensino de ciências: da sala de aula a feira de ciências



: Environment, Igarapé Sucupira, Pet bottle


This article is an experience report on Science Teaching in Elementary School in the early years. The work aims to promote awareness of conservation and preservation of the Igarapé Sucupira, through an educational action presented during classes in the 4th and 5th year classes on Environmental Education. During the course of the classes, it was possible to develop two proposals, one for an educational intervention and the other for the creation of a solid waste collection network, domestic waste thrown into the water, was the problem presented by the students later seen in the search location. The community that lives on the banks of the stream played a fundamental role together with the school and other institutions in the municipality. From this perspective of partnerships with the innovative idea obtained in the construction of the network so that it can be made on a larger scale to be used in the stream's water pipes, thus making it possible to capture discarded waste, reducing environmental contamination, not only caused by bottles, pets. The research is qualitative and exploratory in nature.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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