Epidemiological profile of the pancrêas-rim transplant and analysis of the immunological markers of rejection
Perfil epidemiológico do transplante pancrêas-rim e análise dos marcadores imunológicos de rejeição
Immunological Markers, Pancreatic Transplantation, Kidney TransplantationResumo
INTRODUCTION: Pancreas-kidney transplantation is a therapy indicated for insulin-dependent patients and for end-stage chronic kidney disease secondary to Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and unstable DM, despite insulin treatment. The modalities established are: simultaneous pancreas-kidney; kidney followed by the pancreas and isolated pancreas. OBJECTIVE: To identify the epidemiological profile of pancreas-kidney transplantation in Brazil and analyze the immunological markers of rejection. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a descriptive, epidemiological study, with clinical analyses, carried out using the Brazilian Transplant Registry, as well as data from the National Transplant System. RESULTS: TSPR presents greater graft longevity and less rejection, when compared to TPAR and TIP. It is noted that the measurement of organ function by immunological monitoring, activated T cell expression and urinary/plasma assays are predictors of transplant viability. CONCLUSION: It was shown that transplants have greater graft longevity; acute rejection is better identified and life expectancy has increased among transplant recipients, providing improvements in independence and decent health conditions.
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