Cookies developed with malted barley residue: nutritional composition and health benefits

Biscoitos desenvolvidos com resíduo de cevada maltada: composição nutricional e benefícios para a saúde


  • Jaqueline Trevizan
  • Denise Carnevalli
  • Ariana Ferrari
  • Daniele Felipe Unicesumar / Programa de Pós-graduação em Promoção da Saúde


Malt Bagasse, Food Product, Fiber, Minerals


Malted barley residue (malt bagasse) is obtained in the brewing process and due to its nutritional potential, can be an alternative ingredient for food composition. The objective of the present study was to develop cookies using malt bagasse bran as an ingredient. The cookies were produced and submitted to physicochemical analyses: moisture content, ash determination, minerals, protein, lipid, fiber, carbohydrate and energy value. The addition of malt bagasse bran in the cookie promoted an increase in the nutritional quality of the product, making the product rich in fiber, minerals (phosphorus, zinc and iron), and low in sodium. The cookie presented omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acid and considerable amount of proteins. Thus, malt bagasse bran has the potential to be used as a functional ingredient for products such as cookies.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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