Characterização of the SARS-COV-2 contamination profile in healthcare professionals during the pandemic
Caracterização do perfil de contaminação pelo SARS-COV-2 em profissionais da saúde durante a pandemia
Health professionals;, Contamination profile;, COVID-19.Resumo
Introduction: The profile of Sars-Cov-2 contamination in healthcare professionals is still unknown. Goal. The main objective of this work is to describe the profile of contamination by Sars-Cov-2 in health professionals working to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This is a sectional, cross-sectional analytical study, with characteristic also retrospective. 156 health professionals of both sexes participated in the present study, working in various health professions. They completed a questionnaire consisting of clinical and sociodemographic questions. Results. Results: The main results showed the prevalence of females, professionals who lived with a spouse, with secondary/technical education, mixed race, healthy and with high blood pressure, asthma/COPD, cancer, diabetes and cerebrovascular diseases. It was also shown that 60% had COVID-19 at least once, presenting characteristic symptoms. Conclusion: Future investigations should be conducted to expand the assessment of these characteristics at a national level.
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