Optical analysis of the physiological quality of Triticum aestivum L. seeds with two vigor levels treated with Thiamethoxam
Análise ótica da qualidade fisiológica de sementes de Triticum aestivum L. com dois níveis de vigor tratadas com Thiamethoxam
Wheat seeds, Ultra-weak photon emissions, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Thiamethoxam, Physiological QualityResumo
Insecticide treatment shields plants from pests. The standard tests are the ones that are most frequently used. However, some results may be unreliable or insensitive. Optical techniques such as ultra-weak photon emission and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy can aid standard tests. In this study, two samples of wheat seeds were subjected to the accelerated aging test, resulting in two vigor levels. Every sample was divided into two groups (control and treated). The treated groups received 150 mL of Thiamethoxam for each 100 kg of seeds. The results showed that the length of the aerial part was insensitive. However, the length of the primary root showed the treated group (73% of the germination) was statistically different. The total photon counts and temporal slope profile averages associated with the ultra-weak photon emission for the treated group (73%) showed a significant difference between the control groups (73% and 94% of germination). Principal component analysis revealed differences between groups of distinct seed vigor levels. Still, it did not show differences between the groups treated and untreated. By comparing the results, optical techniques can be used to assess seed physiological quality, particularly the vigor level.
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