Numerical analysis of the behavior of masonry panels subjected to differential settlements in foundations using finite elements

Análise numérica do comportamento de painéis de alvenaria submetido a recalques diferenciais nas fundações utilizando elementos finitos



Differential settlement, Numerical analysis, Shear stress, Masonry panel, Pathological manifestation


Studies on the deleterious impacts of pathological manifestations in civil construction projects have become increasingly relevant, due to the growing number of occurrences in buildings. In view of this, differential settlement in foundations is considered a pathological manifestation. This manifestation in turn affects masonry panels, causing cracks. With this in mind, the general aim of this study is to numerically analyze, using ANSYS finite element software, the distribution of stresses in a reinforced concrete frame filled with masonry. The specific objectives are To characterize the pathological manifestations due to differential settlement; to model a frame system with masonry panels in the ANSYS software and to describe the forces acting on the masonry panels. As far as the methodological aspects are concerned, this research used an experimental bias, in a computational environment, and as far as the approach is concerned, the quantitative form was used. After carrying out the numerical simulation, it was found that there was a concentration of shear forces in the panel in the direction of approximately 45°, which was responsible for the appearance of cracks in the panels.


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