Therapeutic itinerary of individuals who use alcohol and other drugs: an integrative review
Itinerário terapêutico de indivíduos usuários de álcool e outras drogas: uma revisão integrativa
This study aimed to understand the trajectory of individuals who use alcohol and other drugs towards healthcare services. It is an integrative literature review that sought to answer the question: "What are the trajectories followed by drug users until they reach a healthcare service?". The descriptors "trajectory," "drug users," "qualitative research," and "health services" were used in the databases Pubmed, BVS, Web of Science, Scopus, and Science Direct, resulting in a total of seven articles. Drug use can be motivated by various factors, including peer influence, traumatic experiences, and the pursuit of well-being. Family can represent both a risk and a protective factor. Seeking help is often motivated by family concern and typically begins at the primary healthcare unit. Therefore, nurses play an important role, operating in different drug use contexts and encouraging the treatment and rehabilitation of users, as well as the support of their families.
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