Performance indicators of fish farms in the municipality of Toledo, Paraná, Brazil
Indicadores da performance de pisciculturas do município de Toledo, Paraná, Brasil
This study aimed to characterize and analyze the performance indicators for fish farms in the municipality of Toledo, Paraná, Brazil. A Checklist consisting of 17 indicators and 90 items relevant to the socioeconomic and environmental profile was inventoried and applied to 25 fish farmers in the municipality. Based on the responses, the developments were assigned the performance indices “Critical,” “Poor,” “Regular,” “Good,” or “Great.” Of the indicators, 4 presented “Great” indices, 11 presented “Good,” and 2 presented “Regular,” characterizing the fish farms in general, with an overall index of 73% as “Good” performance. The deficient indicators, new strategies and practical solutions to increase the performance of fish farms with the use of the Summary Management Plan were traced. The application of public policies and more efficient extension services is suggested, requiring the implementation of technical advisory services to the producers and preparation and construction of systems for the treatment of effluents.
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