Extension experience report: health, education and environment

Relato de experiência extensionista: saúde, educação e meio ambiente



Vegetarianism, Nutrition education, Social media


The plant-based diet has nutritional properties capable of providing health benefits. Vegetarianism consists of maintaining a diet that excludes all types of meat and its derivatives from the diet. Veganism has a strict vegetarian diet, as it does not use any food or products of animal origin. Considering the relevance of encouraging sustainable production and consumption, this study aimed to report the activities on the Instagram® platform of a university extension group called VEG.A.N. UNIRIO. It consists of a descriptive study, of the experience report type. There is a need to disseminate information about vegetarianism and discuss issues that form part of the triad: vegetarianism, health and the environment. The information presented on social media ranges from research carried out by the group and pertinent topics such as food insecurity. It is a result of a process carried out and divided into stages and built by the entire group, to reach more people about the discussions highlighted by the entire group.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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