Development and validation of video technology on preparation for colonoscopy in cancer patients

Elaboração e validação de tecnologia em vídeo sobre preparo para colonoscopia em paciente oncológico



Colonoscopy, Digital Technology, Health Care Quality, Validation Study, Health Education


Objective: To construct and validate an educational video with an orientation protocol on preparation for colonoscopy in cancer patients. Methods: This is a methodological study divided into two stages, comprising the production of a video based on a printed protocol on the preparation for colonoscopy recommended by a reference institute for cancer treatment, followed by content validation by expert judges selected because of the adapted Fehring criteria. The Content Validity Index was used for validation, with a cut-off point of 0.78. Reliability was tested using the Kappa coefficient, with values greater than or equal to zero being considered reliable.  Results: The educational video lasts approximately 7 minutes and covers the diet to be used on the eve of the colonoscopy exam, the medications used, prohibited foods, start times for preparation and the exam, and post-exam guidelines. 15 expert judges validated the content, obtaining a concordance index of 0.96. Conclusions: The educational video was considered valid by the experts, contributing to nursing in the preparation of cancer patients for colonoscopy. It is suggested that the video be evaluated by cancer patients in a consistent sample.


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