Promoting the Singular Therapeutic Project in a public hospital
Promoção do Projeto Terapêutico Singular em um hospital público
Health, Multiprofessional Team, Hospital Care, Singular Therapeutic ProjectResumo
The objective this study was to report the application of the Singular Therapeutic Project (STP) in a public hospital. For five weeks, five multiprofessional residents were allocated in a medical clinic and neurosurgery unit, where they selected patients for the development of STP. 10 STP were performed, most with patients with complex clinical conditions, unable to answer for themselves, with no companions during hospitalization or with family members with low levels of education. Among the challenges encountered, there was difficulty in sharing decisions with the medical team regarding hospital discharge, which sometimes did not consider the subject's totality, also the lack of understanding of the clinical staff regarding the need for some pharmacological measures and the lack of psychological support to the patients during hospitalization. In contrast, the medical team observed the rapid evolution of the clinical condition of the patients involved in the STP, and began to request multiprofessional follow-up for other patients. Despite the challenges, the development of the STP provided an understanding of the importance of each profession and of humanized patient care. The reception, qualified listening and continuity of care, made a difference in the physical, psychological well-being and in the evolution of the clinical condition of those involved.
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