GISPerdas: a geographic information system to help water loss management

GISPerdas: um sistema de informação geográfica para auxílio de combate a perdas de água


  • Helder Guimarães Aragão Centro Universitário Estácio da Bahia




Water is one of the main elements of nature and the environment. It is present in various processes in society. Despite its importance, it is known that water is a finite and scarce resource, as most of it on our planet is salty and found in the oceans, therefore, not potable for human use. The majority of available water resources are unfit for human consumption or for use in activities dependent on these resources. Because of this, it is important to combat water losses when distributed through basic sanitation companies. This loss may occur due to water leaks in the pipes of the urban infrastructure of these companies. Currently, there are few existing technological tools that help combat water leaks. In this context, the present project aims to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS), based on free software, one of the main geoprocessing technologies, aiming to provide maps with leak occurrences in a given municipality. This mapping will reduce water losses from the basic sanitation company.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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