Transformations in the productive routine of photojournalism: from analogue to visual journalism with Artificial Intelligence - AI tools
Transformações na rotina produtiva do fotojornalismo: do jornalismo analógico ao visual com ferramentas de Inteligência Artificial - IA
Photojournalism, Media, Artificial Intelligence, VídeoResumo
This paper discusses the changes in the productive routine of visual reporters and connects the work routine with the content transformations, which include the use and mastery of advanced tools to optimize journalistic agendas (using Artificial Intelligence - AI - tools), image editing resources with interactivity and image manipulation guided by systems derived from machine learning. Consequently, new techniques and technologies challenge image producers, nowadays called visual journalists or videographers. With these accelerated advancement, processes and languages were introduced into the photojournalist's routine. Photography has gained new layers and today transposes its traditional physical support of photographic paper, the pages of newspapers and magazines, to a much broader spectrum of possibilities. On the internet, information flows quickly and non-linearly. The demand for audiovisual production resulted in the incorporation of increasingly developed technological resources. Also, cameras are capable of producing high-resolution videos for all types of screens.
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